When you have been accused of a crime it is important that you know all of your rights and understand how the criminal justice system works before making any decisions. Once you have been arrested or charged you need to speak to an attorney as soon as possible to make sure that your rights are protected and that you are adequately represented in the court proceedings against you. We handle criminal charges brought by the Federal Government (Federal Cases), County (State Cases) or by Municipalities (Municipal Cases).
Some charges while relatively minor in nature can have serious and long lasting effects on your life including: your right to vote, own a gun, employment or having to register as a sex offender. It is important to know this information before you proceed. We have experience in handling criminal cases all over the state of Missouri and can use our experience to help you obtain the best possible outcome in your case. When your freedom is on the line you want someone who is prompt, responsive and thorough. Call our office today to discuss your case with us and make sure your rights are protected.
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